设备 | Standard clamping devices for e. g. material samples, special component clamping devices for e. g. screws, con-rods, chains, crank shafts, test system dependant clamping concepts |
Clamping devices form the most important part of the test machines. Concerning the nominal loads, the machines have to be rated for endurance strength, have to be manufactured precisely and the surfaces must be designed wear-proofed. The geometry and the load application have to be featured, so that no objectionable loads can affect the component.
Since its foundation SincoTec is manufacturer of test machines within the dynamic test technlogy and operator of a test laboratory with ca. 120 dynamic test systems, on which components from all industrial fields can be tested regarding dynamic load round-the-clock. In the course of time we developed a big number of innovative clamping concepts, which guarantee a stress-related load and which proved their value under continous operation in our own test laboratory.
With these clamping devices nearly all components can not only be loaded axial, but also torsional with bending and rotating bending.
Additional devices offer the opportunity to load components under corrosive surroundings or e. g. under temperature. The load range comprises samples, which are loaded in the range of 0,1 N up to components e. g. from the commercial vehicle field, which are loaded with 1.000 kN.
Beside many standard clamping devices for e. g. material samples and special component clamping devices for e. g. screws, con-rods, chains, crank shafts, we develop the suitable clamping concept adapted to your test system.