试验系统 |
标准高频疲劳设备, 液压伺服, 气动伺服, 旋转弯曲, 弯曲与扭转共振试验系统, 后桥/稳定杆试验系统, 轴承 /
轮毂轴承试验系统, 谈话试验系统, 振动台, 内压力试验系统, 铁路轮轴/特定组件试验系统/ , 冲击试验系统等。 |
我们的气动试验室由多台框架式以及单个作动缸组成,力值加在1 N 至 20 kN范围内,最高频率可达Our pneumatic test laboratory is equipped with several load frames and cylinder units. Forces from 1 N up to 20 kN,
- 最大400Nm的4点弯试验系统
- 最大4000Nm的配重加载旋转弯曲设备
- 双轴轮毂轴承 / 车轮法兰试验系统
后桥/ 稳定杆试验系统
轴承 / 车轮轴承试验系统
在轴承测试系统中,可以对轴承 / 车轮轴承加载侧向力和轴向力来完成试验。同时在试验中还可以加在工况载荷谱。
Spring test systems
Being a competence center for spring tests, we operate a big number of different spring test systems. Because of the resonance drive, we generate strokes up to 300 mm and speeds up to 10 m/s within continous operation. The test frequencies are between 7 Hz and 45 Hz depending on range and type of spring.
On servohydraulic systems we test springs with a service load test and with free selectable signals, even under corrosive conditions (e. g. 5 % NaCl-dilution) in high-grade steel chambers.
According to the state of technology, air springs only could be tested on servohydraulic systems. Now it is also possible to test air springs with uniaxial tests, block programs or RANTEC tests using resonance spring test systems.
On several swing test systems automotive components as well as motor components are excited up to a force vector of 22 kN. Beside the swing test, it is also possible to load the components with sinus excitation, sweep, noise, shock or with a resonance lingering test.
Impressure test systems
As a drive system for impressure test systems, servohydraulic, servopneumatic as well as resonance driven systems are available. With resonance driven high-pressure test systems it is possible to generate pressures of more than 4.000 bar with frequencies up to 50 Hz.
Compared to usual, servohydraulic driven test systems, which operate with max. 10-12 Hz at an energy consumption of more than 100 kW, the resonance driven high-pressure test systems are characterized by a much higher test frequency and a much lower energy consumption of max. 4 kW.
On servohydraulic and servopneumatic test systems, service load tests and special signals can be generated. The test systems cover the following pressure ranges: 30 bar, 300 bar, 1.000 bar, 2.000 bar as well as 4.000 bar.
Railway wheel set test/ railway specific components
In the accredited and from the Federal Railway Authority approved test laboratory a multitude of test systems for tests on railway specific components is available. Using two rotating bending test systems, equipped as an electromotor driven resonance test system, rotating bending tests on wheelset axles and wheel discs up to a rotating bending moment of 250.000 Nm can be accomplished.
Via the integrated calibration device the relation between the induced bending moment and the local distensions can be established. With our high frequency pulsators POWER SWING, components like e. g. side rails or wheel tire segments can be tested regarding their load.
Burst tests
With a burst test system, components can be loaded up to 20.000 1/min. Both burst tests and circular speed characteristics can be accomplished. Brake discs, two mass fly wheels, rotors, drive components, etc. are typical components.
Environmental simulations
In order to meet the growing requirements of our customers or rather the complexity of test requirements, the SincoTec test laboratory equipes itself continously with new test devices. The upgrade comprises several conditioning devices (-40 up to 150°C), hot wind generators (up to 1.200°C), corrosion devices, impressure units, temperature chambers, etc. You can operate the devices at all test systems because of their mobility. Parallel to the dynamic induction of loads, the components are tested correspondent to the environmental stresses, which prevail during operation. So a realistic investigation can be guaranteed.